The Third World Kyudo Taikai (Tokyo) 2018

/ Guidelines


The Third World Kyudo Taikai (Tokyo) 2018


Dates:Monday, 23 - Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Venue:All Nippon Kyudo Federation Chuo Dojo / Meiji-Jingu Budojo Shiseikan Kyudojo

Schedule:Tuesday, 24 April Team preliminaries / Dan holders’ individual competition
Wednesday, 25 April Team finals / Shogo holders’ individual competition

Event:Kinteki, Zasha, 36 cm diameter Kasumi-Mato

Categories:Team and Individual
・Team:Match between IKYF member organisations, 1 team per organisation.
・Individual:2 divisions: Dan holders (including Mudan), and Shogo holders. Open to members of IKYF affiliated and non-affiliated Kyudo organisations.
* Team competitors who want to enter the individual competition should register to both events.

Participation fees:Team:JPY 30,000/Individual:JPY 10,000

Application deadline for each event:Friday, 23 February 2018

Guideline (PDF)

Team competition shooting order (PDF)

Individual competition shooting order (Dan holders) (PDF)

Individual competition shooting order (Shogo holders) (PDF)

Additional information Taikai  (PDF)

Taikai result  (PDF)


Team competition (3 archers, 1 substitute, 1 manager)

Preliminaries 12 arrows per team (4 arrows per archer)×2 rounds. The 8 teams with the greatest number of Tekich? advance to the finals.

Finals 12 arrows per team (4 arrows per archer), single-elimination tournament
* In case of ties during the preliminaries and finals, Ippon-Ky?sha (1 arrow per archer) will be conducted.

Individual competition

Preliminaries 4 arrows per archer, those scoring a minimum of 3 hits advance to the finals.

Finals The Izume method will be used.
* From the 3rd round, 24 cm diameter Mato will be used.
* Apart from the 1st place, the rankings will be determined by the Enkin method.


Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Team competition preliminaries

Individual competition Dan holders' division

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Team competition finals

Individual competition Shogo holders' division

Venue / Map

The Third World Kyudo Taikai (Tokyo) 2018
Monday, 23 - Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Location: Tokyo - Japan
Venue: All Nippon Kyudo Federation Chuo Dojo / Meiji-Jingu Budojo Shiseikan Kyudojo
Address: 〒151-0052 1-1 Kamizonochou, Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan